How Long Can Marijuana Stay in Your System?
Marijuana is now legal for adults all over Canada and you can even buy weed online. Most users won’t have to worry about their weed usage as long as they obey public possession laws and smoke in private. However, there are some situations where you might want to know how long can marijuana stay in your system?
Some users might need to clear marijuana out of their system before an important drug test. Other users may simply want to detox their body of marijuana or even reset their tolerance. Whichever way, there’s a lot of information out there on how long to expect marijuana to stay in your system and how to flush it out. Here’s what you need to know.
How Long Does Marijuana Last?
Using marijuana brings on a range of psychoactive and physical effects such as heightened senses, euphoria, and intense physical relaxation. However, the duration of these effects can vary greatly depending on the kind of product you use and how you use it.
For example, when you smoke or vape marijuana, the effects will hit you instantly and you can expect to feel high for around 2-3 hours. However, some strains are stronger than others and you might feel high for longer if you use a high-THC strain or a strain known for long-lasting effects. It can also depend on how much you use and your tolerance for THC.
The effects of THC can last even longer when consumed in other ways. For instance, while smoking or vaping marijuana gets you high for a few hours, edibles might make you high for the entire day. One study found that marijuana edibles peak 3-4 hours after consumption and can last as long as 12 hours. However, while the effects of marijuana usually wear off within hours, THC can stay in your system for much longer.

How Long Can Marijuana Stay in Your System?
While you usually won’t have to wait too long for the effects of marijuana to clear up, marijuana can still stay in your system for longer. When you consume any kind of marijuana product, THC binds to metabolites in your system and can stick around for a while. You won’t continue to feel the effects, but it can come up on a drug test.
Much like the effects of marijuana, the duration that THC stays in your system can depend on numerous factors. If you’re an infrequent user, your body might be clear of THC within a day or two. Frequent users may have residual THC in their system for weeks or months. It can also depend on the strength and type of products you use.
You can usually expect marijuana to be flushed out of your system within around 5-7 days. A study found that 80-90% of THC is excreted within 5 days, although you may have to wait a few extra days to be completely clear. Most users won’t have to worry about THC remaining in their system, but if you have a drug test coming up, you might want to take measures to flush it out faster.
Should You Worry About Marijuana In Your System?
Whenever you use marijuana, you’ll be left with some THC in your system for a few days. Most of this is usually flushed out within days, especially if you don’t use marijuana often. Although THC can remain in your system for a while, most users won’t need to worry unless they’re expecting a drug test.
Having THC remaining in your system generally won’t cause any issues. You won’t continue to get high or experience any negative side effects. What’s more, if you live in Canada or somewhere else where weed use is legal, you usually won’t have to worry about having marijuana in your system.
The one exception to the rule is for users facing drug tests. If you need to be tested as part of your career, then having marijuana in your system can become a problem. If you haven’t used it recently, you won’t need to worry. But if you’ve used marijuana within the last week and have a drug test coming up, you’ll need to take measures to flush it out of your system faster.
How Long Is Marijuana Detected On A Drug Test?
When you have THC in your system, it can be picked up by a drug test. The detection window for marijuana varies depending on the kind of test used. It can also depend on how frequently you use marijuana and the speed of your metabolism.
A saliva test can detect marijuana within 12 hours of use. This is generally only used to test if drivers are driving under the influence. Blood tests can detect marijuana within 24 hours of use while hair follicle tests can detect it for a month or two, but these kinds of tests are rarely used.
The most common type of test used for detecting marijuana is a urine test. A urine test can detect marijuana within around 5-7 days of use or even longer if you’re a frequent marijuana user. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce and mask THC in your urine.

How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System
If you have a drug test coming up or just want to detox your system, there are a few effective ways to flush marijuana out of your system fast. Most importantly, you’ll need to drink plenty of water. This will help you urinate more, therefore flushing more THC out of your system. It also helps dilute THC in your urine.
Other foods and liquids can also help. Eating foods high in fiber and protein will help speed up your digestion and flush more THC out of your system. Drinks such as cranberry juice, lemon juice, and prune juice are known to be great for detoxing.
Users with upcoming drug tests often take Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and Creatinine. When combined with drinking plenty of water, these supplements can help mask THC in your urine without looking suspicious. You can also get detox drinks or detox kits designed to help you pass a drug test fast.
Marijuana usually stays in your system for around 5-7 days, although it may stick around for longer if you’re a frequent user. Most users won’t have to worry about marijuana in their system- it won’t make you high and won’t cause any noticeable effects. If you have a drug test coming up, you can take measures to flush it out of your system faster.