Aurora Cannabis Canada, CBD and…UFC?!

aurora cannabis

Who, or what is Aurora Cannabis?

Aurora Cannabis Inc. is one of Canada’s largest medical marijuana producers, and quickly proving to be one of the biggest forces in cannabis internationally. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Aurora is listed on both the Toronto and New York stock exchanges TSX: ACB | NYSE: ACB. They are now operating in over 24 countries and continuing to grow partnerships abroad with countries such as Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom through local acquisitions and subsidiary cannabis product distribution. (Interested in investing? View Aurora’s Toronto stock quotes here on Bloomberg!)

What makes them different?

Aurora isn’t just one of the biggest names in the marijuana industry; they’re changing the game. Through mass scale production facilities, producing over 600,000 kilograms of product per annum, operations across five continents, and the range of their collaborative work is impressive: educating patients on medical uses and different strains with certified doctors through CanvasRx, another Canadian medical marijuana online marketplace, to research on cannabis in sports and training alongside the UFC.


What? They’re partnered with UFC?

Yes, you read that right! Aurora Cannabis recently announced a joint research program with Ultimate Fighting Champion, or UFC, the world’s biggest mixed martial arts organization. They are launching multiple studies that will look at athlete health, wellness and performance, specifically examining the effects of CBD. The research team will consist of medical, clinical and sports professionals from both the Aurora Scientific Oversight Committee and the UFC Performance Institute.

What could CBD do for athletes?

CBD, or cannabidiol, which derives from hemp, is effective in the treatment of pain, inflammation and recovery. Some athletes already use CBD products to assist in recovery but with such varying effects, the aim of the studies conducted by Aurora and UFC are to establish optimal methods and products for athletes through evidence-based facts and achieve data results that will help educate and advocate CBD health and wellness benefits as well as uses. 

How can athletes take CBD?

CBD comes in many forms and Green Society’s online marijuana shop carries a variety of these. There are strains of cannabis–specifically from sativa plants–that contain more CBD than others, such as Ghost Train Haze or Harlequin CBD

CBD candy edibles are available for those with a sweeth tooth, such as the Mota Cannabis Black Clear Sphere, a black cherry flavoured gummy ball that can conveniently be split into 6 different pieces for dosage measurements. 

There are also oils/tears available which can be used to infuse with other foods, or can be applied topically, and tinctures which can be consumed orally.


Can CBD be used by anyone who isn’t an athlete?

Definitely! CBD isn’t just for those who are professional athletes, you don’t even need to be an active sports player. CBD is a preferred cannabis product among medical patients seeking chronic pain relief, and it has a growing popularity in the beauty and wellness industry for its skin benefits. There are even CBD products available for your pets!

What will this all mean for CBD users?

This is an exciting time for both the cannabis industry with the backing of such an influential organization as the UFC; this only means the industry is moving forward and CBD is gaining recognition for its beneficial medical uses. For now, users can gain familiarity with products, whether you prefer edibles or oils and tinctures, and see which works best here at Green Society.

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