How To Tell If Your Vape Oil Is High Quality

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Cannabis is an up-and-coming market that is performing well in the medical field. People are using cannabis oil to treat all sorts of things, ranging from chronic pain and anxiety to seizures. There are many different ways to take cannabis oil. You can ingest it, drink it, and even inhale it through vape pens. Vaping is by far the most popular way to take cannabis oil. They don’t have a strong smell and will give you all the effects you want from the oil. You can vape anywhere, and it’s super convenient. But how do you know for sure that you got yourself some quality cannabis oil? Keep reading to find out!  


If you want to find out the strength of extraction, you will want to ask about the percentage of CBD and THC in it. THC oils will result in psychoactive effects whereas CBD will have the best healing effects without making you feel “high.” It’s wise to start with CBD and go from there,  but you will want to make sure that you know the potency and percentage of your oil, especially if you know what you are using it to treat. Extraction methods can vary based on how you want to take CBD or THC. Most of the time, extraction is done by extreme heat and pressing, which can result in wax. The wax can then be smoked through a dab rig. Buy Cannabis Oil at Green Society  


You will want to make sure to check for certification from your retailers. Retailers that care about quality will not hesitate to get their vape oils tested. Lab tests are done through gas chromatography, which will break down the cannabinoids in order for them to be manipulated under pressure. This will also allow checks for mildew and pesticides. You will want to ask and make sure that your oil has been tested for quality so that you know that you are paying for good oils. Testing will show that your vendor cares about quality assurance and wants to make sure you have the best experience possible.    


You will want to know the dosage of your oil, which most companies report on the bottle. Regular market THC oil will be anywhere from 30ml to 100ml, and the strength you want will be dependant on what you intend to use it for. A stronger dosage might be best for those who are going through withdrawal, are having chemotherapy treatment, or experience anxiety. Depending on what you are taking it for, you will want to ask your vendor about what might be best for your situation. Otherwise, seek help from your medical professional, who will be able to give you a better idea of what will be best for your condition. Warning Watch out for vendors who advertise lower amounts of THC or CBD because they are focused on selling fast rather than selling for quality. Low levels in oil can do nothing at all, which will be a complete waste of your money. Try and make sure to gauge whether or not your vendor is able to help you with all the questions and inquiries you might have. If they are eager to help you, they are probably more reliable.   Are you looking for mail order weed in Canada? Shop with Green Society today! We have a range of products that will help you relax & manage pain better.  

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35 thoughts on “How To Tell If Your Vape Oil Is High Quality

  1. E
    Ethan_Dar6 years ago

    Through this post and the Green Society community (Reddit, CanadianMoM ect.) I have learned how to make my own properly measured concentrate pens using correctly extracted distillate with safe terpenes in cartridges. I’m thankful for the supporting community you guys have founded as and not been able to do it without it.

  2. x
    x0xNessax0x6 years ago

    It’s good to know that if the vendor is advertising lower THC or CBD levels that it’s likely not going to be the quality you’re looking for. Not everyone knows this.

  3. p
    passdutchie6 years ago

    I’m trying to switch to oil vapor over smoking weed. I love weed but burning and inhaling plant matter is bad for you.

    Its a lot easier and less noticeable to sneak a quick vape without disturbing anyone with smoke, or having to flick ash somewhere.